There is debate in medical literature on thyroid dysfunction and if it is the cause or consequence of several chronic diseases. With thyroid dysfunction often suspected by practitioners as an underlying driver of presenting patient’s ill health, the long and non-specific list of sign and symptoms for both under and overactive thyroid, it can easily be considered as the root of many common clinical maladies. 


Further, there is ongoing discourse on which thyroid pathology markers to put clinical weight on, and what is the acceptable, let alone the ideal range. With this scenario, it is understandably challenging to discern if thyroid dysfunction is an issue and how to best approach your treatment plan. 


The final challenge also lays with uncertainty on how vulnerable the thyroid is to exogenous insults, such as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), gluten, goitrogens and micro-organisms.


In this free two-part live stream, we help provide clarity on thyroid dysfunction causality, pathology tests and the role of numerous environmental stressors. Register now for a comprehensive and clinically applicable thyroid update.


Session 1 – Wednesday July 24,11 am EST

  • Explore the thyroid pathology goalposts – review the evidence on the clinically acceptable ranges of TSH, thyroid hormones, autoantibodies and more.
  • Understand how to nourish the thyroid – get the latest update on the clinical dosing 'sweet spot' for key thyroid nutrients such as iodine, selenium, zinc, iron and vitamin D.
  • Acknowledge the common pathways of thyroid dysfunction regardless of which environmental causes are responsible for thyroid aberration.


Session 2 – Wednesday July 31, 11 am EST

  • Contextualise the three G’s in thyroid dysfunction - gut, gluten and goitrogens.
  • Objectively assess EDCs – if, how, who and when are they disturbing the thyroid.
  • Explore the question: are germs goitrogens?
  • Look into the future of thyroid healthcare with the role of epigenetics and microRNAs.

Registrations for Live Webinar and Recordings are available below. All registrants will receive access to the recordings after the event. 

To register for this free Live Webinar, enter your details below.



Nathan Rose

With over 20 years of industry experience in clinical practice and leading teams in education, innovation, and research and development, Nathan brings a broad skill set and passion to deliver cutting-edge, engaging and clinically relevant information. Combining his background in naturopathy with his innate curiosity, Nathan has a relentless drive to uncover and broadcast new solutions to common clinical presentations. As a recognised international speaker and industry-thought leader, Nathan's presentations are novel and insightful, and at times question the status quo, all in attempt to continue to progress the power and efficacy of natural healthcare.