From puberty to menopause, the average reproductive lifespan for women is 36 years.1,2

During this time it is estimated that a woman will experience over 400 ovulatory menstruations, a stark comparison to the estimated 40-160 that occurred in women during the nineteenth century.3 This dramatic shift has led to an increased lifetime exposure of oestrogen, as well as a greater susceptibility to reproductive disorders.3

Research continues to unveil a complex network of internal systems and interactions that impact female reproductive function and dysfunction. This network synergy requires consideration of how the pieces fit together as well as disturbances in every phase of the cycle to create an informed therapeutic approach.

In this two-part live stream, clinicians will present recent research and updated understanding of key presentations that are often challenging to unravel while discussing best practice naturopathic support.  

By attending this seminar you will gain an understanding of

The hidden facets and the real drivers of clinical presentations that are commonly overlooked

Evolutionary, whole-body approach to understanding endometriosis beyond hormones

Case studies to showcase clinical presentations and understanding of key drivers, and effective wholistic management

Live Stream Time

12:30 - 4:00pm


12:00 - 3:30pm


10:30 - 2:00pm


2:30 - 6:00pm


Session times listed in AEST (Qld). Check local listings for your area.


Emma Van Den Driest 

BHSc(Nat), GradCert(Nutr)

Emma is a naturopath and nutritionist based in Melbourne who has been in clinical practice for 7 years with an interest in autoimmune, inflammatory and rheumatological conditions as well as non-communicable diseases. She is a part of the practitioner education team at Integria Healthcare and has a passion for education and communicating scientific literature to a wide audience. She has researched and written several seminar presentations and presented widely to naturopaths and the community on a range of topics. 

Emma has completed genetic wellness training, graduate certificate in human nutrition, and is currently completing her Masters in Lifestyle Medicine. 

Emma loves connecting with people through presenting and educating to work towards a common goal; better health for all.

Dr. Moira Bradfield Strydom

PhD, B.Nat, M.Acu

Dr. Moira Bradfield Strydom (PhD) is the founder of Intimate Ecology clinical and education services. She is a Naturopath, educator and researcher with over 20 years clinical experience who has a passion for helping people experience optimal health in sustainable and sensible ways.

Clinically, she has a niche interest in recurrent vaginal infections, optimal vaginal and genitourinary health, hormones and the genitourinary microbiomes (vagina, bladder, seminal and penile).

Moira recently completed a PhD through Griffith University which focussed on the vaginal microbiome and recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis.

She also has a Bachelor of Naturopathy and a Masters degree in Acupuncture from Southern Cross University.

In addition to her role as a Naturopath, Moira has lectured extensively at a tertiary level and in the area of holistic genitourinary health, educating her fellow practitioners to offer support in an often-overlooked area.

Session 1: A Whole-Body Approach to Endometriosis

with Emma Van Den Driest

The changing paradigm of female reproductive health now acknowledges endometriosis as a multi-system disease. However, misdiagnoses, overlooked symptoms and detrimental societal beliefs can lead to diagnostic delays, causing significant distress and impairment to daily functioning.

In this presentation, Emma will review the current theories of endometriosis, and trace traditional, evolutionary, and modern understandings of this often-invisible disease. She will explore the many facets of endometriosis using a whole-body approach. Delving into oestrogen intracrinology and metabolism, unique immunological processes and neurogynecology, she will provide clear and up to date therapeutic guidelines.

Session 2: Luteal Phase Hormonal Associations of Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis

with Dr. Moira Bradfield Strydom

The connection between hormonal rhythms, vaginal microbiome health, and recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC) is widely accepted yet poorly understood.

People report an increased risk of recurrent symptoms at ovulation and again in the mid-luteal phase of a menstrual cycle, with purported peaks in oestrogen associated with fungal opportunity and symptom presentation. The clinical conundrum presents as we associate oestrogen with increased Candida survival, and we associate oestrogen levels with the maintenance of overall vaginal microbiome health via its ability to stimulate and support Lactobacillus species.

Join Naturopath Dr. Moira Bradfield Strydom (PhD) as she discusses the clinical consideration at these hormonal timepoints, the array of circumstances that can lead to RVVC symptoms and explores holistic considerations interventions including luteal phase biorhythms to support in RVVC.


Practitioners: $49.00       Students: $29.00

Duration: 3.5 Hours

Note: All registrations and payments are handled directly by Integria Healthcare in Australian Dollars (AUD).

CPE Points

This event is recognised for 3.5 contact learning hours. Check with your association for details.